If COVID-19 hasn’t made business challenging enough, globalisation, climate change, rising social inequality, and extreme capitalism continue to add further layers of complexity.
While we know steps are being taken at a national and international level, progress is slow. This year’s Edelman Trust Barometer shows that a general loss of public faith in Governments to do the right thing, has led us to look to business instead to step up and take positive action to create a better future.
Enter Reimagining Capitalism. Harvard Business School professor Rebecca Henderson studies business innovation, and organisational change, and most specifically, the extent to which business can and must lead in sustainable change, towards a more egalitarian form of capitalism.
To change, we must first understand why. Reimagining Capitalism is a helpful guide to understanding first why our incumbent business and economic models are so flawed, and then, what we can do as leaders to shift towards less resource intensive, more inclusive and resilient ways of 21st Century business.