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The Future of Work | Working the Future
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© Working the Future Ltd. 2016-2025. Limited company no. 10512378 registered in England and Wales

 Registered office address: 42 Longfield Drive, Amersham, Buckinghamshire, HP6 5HE, United Kingdom

Working the Future, the Working the Future logotype and the arrowhead device are all registered trademarks of Working the Future Ltd.

Working the Future future of work strategy

Helping organisations develop a strategy to mitigate risks, harness opportunities and ensure resilience.

For more than a decade, key academics have been casting their gaze forward to imagine how key societal and technological trends might change the way we work. 

Many of the trends first identified as having game-changing implications for business are now converging to create huge pressures for business leaders. We need to change the way we think about work. 

The 2020s are fraught with systemic environmental, economic, societal and political challenges. The coming decade will continue to present existential demands on organisations to evolve and adapt. 

A well-designed future of work strategy is the only way to ensure long-term business future-proofing and sustainability.

To remain resilient in the face of complex market forces, organisations must minimise risk, wherever possible. The design and execution of a future of work strategy helps mitigate against the known challenges so that organisations face less external pressure when unforeseen circumstances arise.

A future of work strategy encompasses the plans an organisation puts in place to proactively and positively adapt to the factors already in play that are causing operational disruption in the 2020s. 

Future-proof your business 

We’re equipped and ready to cast an expert, non-partisan eye over your organisation’s current practices and distil what the future of work means for you. 

Together we’ll develop a tailor-made future of work strategy so that your business is prepared and future ready.

We’ll begin by undertaking a full SWOT analysis of your industry. Where might it be in 5-10 years’ time?

Next we’ll examine the key meta-trends disrupting and transforming workplaces in the 2020s. 

We’ll consider your organisational purpose and vision and how they attract and motivate others.

We’ll design context-appropriate scenario-planning workshops to explore how you might respond and adapt to market forces.

Finally we’ll create a Future of Work Strategy to include a prioritised suite of futureproofing actions and initiatives.

And, we’ll be on hand to help you review and update at regular intervals to capture new market developments.

Future of Work | Working the Future


As a result of of developing a Future of Work strategy with us, clients find they are empowered to make timely, accurate and informed decisions that:

  • mitigate risk and leverage opportunity 
  • optimise organisational agility for better navigation of complex trading conditions
  • de-risk labour market uncertainties allowing you access to talent and skills on an on-demand basis
  • reduce staffing turnover and associated costs  


Get in touch to discuss how our knowledge can help you make informed and future-ready decisions.

Discover more about our in-house trend workshopsthe fast-track to ensuring your organisation is future-proof.