Carol Sanford works on the premise that all organisations are living systems. Which, given the dictionary definition of the word ‘organisation’, makes perfect sense.
The Regenerative Business is a transformative read. Sanford’s basic proposition is that since all human life is in continuous forward motion, it’s somewhat backward to try and apply static frameworks and confining methodologies to business. Instead, we must embrace fluidity and perpetual evolution. We can only effect sustainable change, she argues, when we contextualise where we are within a far wider system.
Authentic and lasting business transformation can only happen when regeneration encompasses inclusion and invites ALL stakeholders to continuously review and renew how things are done. Sanford makes a much-needed and vital distinction between process and procedure and sets the scene for viable 21st Century ways of working that naturally lend themselves to agility and innovation.
We’ll be returning to her work again and again as we ourselves move forward.