How do we define leadership? What are the qualities we seek in those we trust to do the right thing by all of us?
When stability and certainty seem so far away, what we need from leaders today is very different to what we might have considered important in the past. Ubiquitous digital communication has transformed how we perceive leadership, such that today it’s something we choose, more than something imposed upon us. We vote with our feet as needed.
The ambiguous landscapes of the 2020s place great responsibility for community building and social intelligence on those who lead us. Modern leaders require, above all else, the EQ to build connection, rapport, trust and solidarity. This is the antidote to the divisiveness that currently threatens the fabric of society.
Wheatley draws on the natural world and the science of living systems to share perspectives designed to help us become stronger, more resilient, ‘other-focused’ leaders at a time when civilisation needs it most.